Thursday, July 06, 2006

You mean that the Irvings don't deliver at St.Mary's????

IMG_5553, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noticed that the price of gas was put high and then extra two cents.

They want this to fail. Let the smaller companies fail or close down and Irving and his politicals friends have contol of the market and they don't want competition in NB.

It would of made sense to talk with all parties and be sure the average taxpayer isnot gouged again and small owners had some say.

Why does gas sell in Maine for .85 cents Canadian? Something is wrong because gas should not be so high in Saint John, no travelling in the back yards. What a joke everything works well when you are the billionaire.

We just want fair prices and that has not happen for years. Times will never get better if we allow Fowlie run things.