Ok..it’s the day after and I must write about my little experience from last night.
At the last minute I decided that I would add Spinks and NbPolitics to my flickr account so I could post a picture of the winner in my blog.
It was 8:00pm. I was over Tim Smith’s place and we decided to choose CBC for the election results and I believe this was a huge mistake from our part.

Terry Seguin promise the audience that the CBC crew will go over and over the votes before making a prediction.
The next thing I knew it showed Stephane Doiron from the NDP elected in the riding of Caraquet!!!
I was surprised but if CBC said it? Then it must be true.
I said - The NDP has a new leader in the Legislature so I blogged it!!!
Around 15 minutes later, the audience was told it was error. The NDP was not elected.
Then CBC began to read emails on the air.
I wasn’t too impress so I quickly change the channel to ATV News with Steve Murphy.

I was running from the television to the computer posting the winners.
Tim was saying 18-18, 19-18, 19-19!!! It was a battle and I wasn’t enjoying it because I was blogging. Abel LeBlanc won no problem whatsoever.

I sent out a blog saying- Sorry! I’m calling it quits!!! I’m going to watch the show.
It was funny because I never swore so much in all my life.
I know every MLA’S and there’s some of them I can’t stand such as Tanker Malley.

Once a winner was announce?
I shouted- F@CK or YEESSSSS!!!!!
It was terrible!!!
Thank God Tim daughter was in bed. I was right into it!!! I knew every single MLA'S and it was quite an experience.

I never acted this way on election night in the past.

So Shawn Graham won with a majority and I’m very happy to hear this because I’m going to see first hand if it matters which Political Party is in power?
I was told over and over today that Shawn Graham will not do a study on Ritalin.

Hey? Shawn Graham promise me that he would so I don’t believe that Shawn would lie to moi??? A Liberal politician lying to the public? Nahhhhhh....

My three concerns are -
1- Ritalin
2- VLT’S
Lets see what’s going to happen?

Will Shawn Graham make a great Premier?
I say- Yes!!! By the way?
These are the first two official pictures taken in the Liberal bus before it left Fredericton.

Maybe I can sell them on E-Bay???..lol
Have you got a surprise coming/Oh well,your versatile,big shouldered.haha gonna be fun.
well now that your good buddy Shawn Graham is in, maybe now he'll let the one Charles LeBlanc back into the Legislature. What does everyone thing?
Before you cancel your Ritalin prescriptions, first see if you can get back in the Legislature building.
I'm sure he'll go to bed worrying about you and Tim Smith
And I also heard no Ritalin Study is in the works.
Three things that only affect a tiny percentage of the population. Taxpayer money should be used on things to help the majority of the province's citizens and anything extra could go towards pet projects like those to placate people like you.
Thanks for taking part Charles. Politics NB, the gang and I in the chat room got a kick out of the postings.
I've been telling you to give up on CBC in its current form. When are you going to listen? LOL
I must agree with 10:43. These are 3 important issues but I'm not sure how the government has anything to do with Ritalin. Medsical researchers need to take care of that. Methadone clinics, I agree wee need them but we also need more doctors, which do you think is a priority?
Let the gov't deal with gov't issues. A study on Ritalin, read a medical journal and you'll see a zillion studies on that. When they are done, let's do a study on Tylenol, then Paxil and don't stop there. let's study birth control and the safety issue of pigeon poop on buildings downtown and ....
I agree these only affect a very small portion of those who elected our new Government:
I hope our New Government Allows Gambling on a Large Scale, and gives the Go-Ahead in allowing Saint John to build a Casino on or around the old Sugar Refinery.
It would be a great tourist attraction. Hopefully we'd be able to get the Tourists here instead of Halifax.
It's not the concern of the ordinary person or Citizen if people who Gamble cannot not control their habit.
And why should we ?
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