Sunday, October 22, 2006

Homeless guy taking adavantage of FRED E-ZONE escaping the cold winds at 11:45pm!!!

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


Anonymous said...

That's a joke, right? Homeless with a laptop?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

No Joke...what's the matter...a poor homeless person can't have a laptop now???


Anonymous said...

A laptop costs $100 (used), know how much a home costs?

Anonymous said...

I work my ass off everyday and struggle just to get my head above water and yet the homeless can afford to get drunk everynight and own laptops???????
That's it! That seems like the solution to my problem!!!

Anonymous said...

$100 could buy a professional set of clothing which could help that person get a job which could pay rent and the person wouldn't be homeless. That person needs to get his priorities in order.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

A guy has a laptop and goes through a hard time and he can't keep with only way to communicate with the outside world.

He can't afford an Irving paper!!

I might add that he's a reader of this blog.

Give the guy a break!!!

Anonymous said...

Charles :

If the chap with the laptop computer can work a computer, then why doesn't he get a job working at a call center or something similar ?

The Client Logic company here in Saint John is always running ad's looking for people to work, and the jobs start from what I'm told at around $10.30 or so per hour.

A lot of your readers have legititmate complaints about some of the people who are abusing the sysytem as a whole, and are just plain sick and tired of working day in and day out, to support those who don't even want to try and better themselves.

I honestly do not think people are against helping people who truly need a helping hand, but I agree with and understand their frustration at supporting people who just want to be Lazy Bum's, and have no intention of ever trying to get a job, let alone trying to improve their situation.

Anonymous said...

maybe he had the laptop. maybe he found it. maybe he stole it. quit being so judgmental. a laptop can cost less than a month's rent (certainly less than a damage deposit and first months rent). I for one would probably hold onto my laptop. for another thing, the reason those places advertise all the time is because noone stays.

Anonymous said...

The Bum should get a job, even if it's only minimum wage