Wednesday, November 15, 2006

RADIO CANADA PROGRAMME - CE SOIR??? C'etais ok I guess????

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
That’s my view on the newscast on CBC program - Ce Soir this evening.

It had as much film from the Robert Jones story.


At one section, all my five ADHD brains were focused on the television once I saw a certain Marie-Linda Lord on the air.



Picture 066

Any relation to Bernard Lord???

She’s going to hang moi!!! But it never happen.

She just added that blogs have been around for a couple of years and the bloggers are not journalists because they write with emotion.


So true!!! This is the reason we report the news with an opinion. Emotion in the blog? Sure there is!

The rest of the short newscast just told the listeners that I’m a pain in the butt individual to the politicians and this is the reason that both the Liberals and P.C.’s agree to ban me.


But not every MLA agrees with the ban. < Just asks Abel LeBlanc? >


Of course it showed me taking pictures and smoking a cigarette.


It was a short newscast but it was ok I guess?

I believe CBC Radio Canada will just save the interview for a future story on my case in Saint John or when I got shot????

We had a good exchange of words.

It was funny they ended the story by showing this picture in the blog that I posted a couple of hours before the


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