charles i think ur blog is great,but for your own good try and be a little more aware of the meaning and power and the effect that words like "racist" have on your creditability.please.
6:18, I'm 100% with you but in fairness to Charles he HAS toned it down immensely in the past several weeks. It's been noticed and the content here has also improved. Nice work Charles.
Keep in mind that five others have been banned as well. These issues aren't just restricted to Charles, he just goes public with it. Remember the guy who just dressed up as a clown? Banned.
charles i think ur blog is great,but for your own good try and be a little more aware of the meaning and power and the effect that words like "racist" have on your creditability.please.
6:18, I'm 100% with you but in fairness to Charles he HAS toned it down immensely in the past several weeks. It's been noticed and the content here has also improved. Nice work Charles.
Keep in mind that five others have been banned as well. These issues aren't just restricted to Charles, he just goes public with it. Remember the guy who just dressed up as a clown? Banned.
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