Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
J’ai recu ce commentaire aujourd’hui.


Le N.-B. est une province offiellement bilingue. Je ne vois jamais un commentaire écrit en français sur ton blogue.En plus, tu es un francophone et tu n'écris jamais dans la langue que tes parents ton enseigné. Rejettes-tu les commentaires francophones?

J’ai un probleme de ecrire un blog en Francais a cause je viens de Memramcook et je parle - Le Chiac!!!! serait du fun < chiac > a ecrire en Chiac.

Mon cousin Denis a Valmore est un pro a ecrire dans cette langue.

Je suis tres fier de ma culture Acadienne.

Qui peut oublier le temps que j’ai crasher < chiac > le gros assemblee du Parti C.O.R. en 1990 ou 1991 pour defendre le drapeau Acadien???

Picture 035Picture 021Picture 029Picture 032Picture 031

J’ai parler avec beaucoup de politiciens about < chiac > de ce sujet.

La plupart de la population Acadienne a Dial up so therefore < chiac > sa prend tros longtemps por uploader < chiac > mon blogue!

J’ai trouver que les site d’internet Acadien sont rouner < chiac > par des Quebecois.

Une personne a une view < chiac> et ils arrivent et donne UNE BLAST < CHIAC > a la personne qui ecrit son opinion.

Je l’ai dis dans le passer et je le dirai encore????

Si une personne veut donner leurs views < chiac > en francais ou en chiac? Go ahead!!! Go for it!!!! < chiac >

Mais il faut que tu comprend que j’ai rester a Saint-Jean pour 15 ans et ici a Fredericton pour les dernier trois ans.

La plupart des Readers < chiac > sont Anglais so therefore < chiac > sa serais pas fair< chiac > pour eux!!!

So? Sa serais pas fair < chiac > que je change mon blog en Francais.

I might add < chiac > que j’ai pas un word perfect en francais so therefore < chiac > les accent egu et accent grave seront pas la.

Si vous voulez donner votre opinion en Francais?

Go for it! I sure won’t stop ya!

P1010005Acadian Vs_ Anglo


Anonymous said...

It's Saint John, not Saint-Jean.

We don't translate Baie-Comeau, Val-d'Or, Trois-Rivières and Rivière-du-Loup to Comeau Bay, Gold Valley, Three Rivers and River of the Wolf, so please don't do the same to Saint John.

If you're so proud of your French culture, you shouldn't be diluting the French language with words from the English language and slapping the title "chiac" onto it as an excuse.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Sorry!!!! You're dead wrong on this one.

Quand je travaillais au Shipyard.

J'ai decendu a Memramcook et je disais toujours- Je travaille at Saint-Jean!!!

Samuel de Champlain a dicouvert La Riviere Saint-Jean!!!!

Je crois pas que Samuel etais Anglais.

Hey????< chiac > si tu commence a me winder up? < chiac > Mon ecricure viendra meilleure et peut-etre le blogue changera en Francais???

Don't get me going!!! < chiac >

This could be fun???


Spinks said...

It is Saint John Charles.

Back to the main point of ther letter writer. Why doesn't he/she start their own blog? If you want to convert ithe blog to French Charles (although I know you don't) that's your business. If someone wants a blog to do something in particular, start your own. It's free.

Anonymous said...

Considering you don't have a grasp of either the English or French language as we've repeatedly seen on this blog, just because something comes out of your mouth doesn't make it correct.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you know that's a bad sign when just calling Saint John Saint Jean gets peoples ire up. So much for 'bilingual'.

It took only ten seconds to translate this at babel fish. Charles should put the babel fish link on his page which translates from english to french and vice versa (sorry to those who object to the use of latin)

Mr.LeBlanc, N-B is a province offiellement bilingual. I never see a comment written in French on your blogue.En more, you are a French-speaking person and you never write in the language but your parents your taught. Do you reject the French-speaking comments? I have a problem of ecrire a French blog because I come from Memramcook and I speak - Chiac!!!! Yes... its would be fun has ecrire in Chiac. My Denis cousin has Valmore is a pro has ecrire in this language. I am very proud of my Acadienne culture. Who can forget time that I have crasher the large assembly of Party C.O.R. in 1990 or 1991 for defendre the Acadian flag??? I have to speak with many politicians butt of this subject. The majority of the Acadienne population have Dial up so therefore its takes tros a long time por uploader my blogist! I have to find that the site of Internet Acadien are rouner by of Quebecois. A person has a view and they arrive and gives a BLAST has the person who ecrit her opinion. I have say it in passing it and I will still say it???? If a person wants to give their views in French or chiac?

Go ahead!!! Go for it!!!! But it is necessary that you understands that I have to remain has Midsummer's Day for 15 years and here has Fredericton for the last three years. The majority of the Readers are English so therefore its would not be to fair for them!!! So? Its would not be to fair that I change my blog into French. I might add that I do not have Word perfect in French so therefore the accent egu and grave accent will not be. If you want to give your French opinion?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Sorry Spinks!!! It's Saint-Jean!!!!

I will never change this blog en Framcais mais ils peuvent laisser leurs commentaires en Francais!

Je ne vois pas de probleme avec ceci!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you should listen to those suggestions Charles. It would take five seconds to post your blog twice, you just cut and paste. Have one with pictures, one without. Five seconds.

Plus, many of your opinions would have far more resonance with the acadian population. Plus, this is a group that is virtually never heard of on the web.

You can repost that link (was it here) to the guy who is starting an acadian television station. While Rogers funds Acadieman they refuse to fund New Brunswick english language artistic shows-they will only show bland documentaries.

Plus, since the complaint is always made that no attention is ever given english people who want to learn french, it is obvious they won't learn it if never exposed to it.

It would be nice if you could find acadian people in all parts of the province who could routinely post a blog of what is going on where they live.

Ian said...

No complaints here. I'd welcome the chance to practice reading in French with posts about issues I'm interested in.

Anonymous said...

that chiac is spot on i am a bilingual english guy living in moncton and that reads just like the chiac that i hear. its a beautiful language and is difficult to learn.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

GRRRRRRRR......GREAT!!!! Now that I blog a story en Francais?

Now, I'm receiving spam in French!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't see l'Acadie Nouvelle or l'Aviron in English. Maybe once they start publishing in English, Charles can do his blog in French, too.

But somehow I think monkeys will fly out of my ass before I see that day.

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog.....But I have to mention the point regarding the COR party. I am 100% Acadien and you would think that I would be more for Acadien rights etc..but I am not. I seen the COR's point of view regarding bilingualism in this province. I can read and speak either language (English or French) but the COR had concerns with someone who could only speak 1 language being forgotten about when it came to jobs etc... It should be like this, if you speak English great. If you speak French great. If you are bilingual great, but at no time should a person be limited in what they can do because they can only speak 1 language in this province. I have many friends that are only French or English speaking and they miss out alot on employment etc.. because of that. I don't think this is fair. By no means do I suppor the COR party I just can see what they were protesting about. I am 100% Acadien and proud to call myself that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Charles, Get it right its Saint John. Check it out. Just because you call it Saint-Jean doesn't make it right. You are insulting people who are from that city or live there and that are proud of it.

Anonymous said...

Is your last name "The White" or LeBlanc?

Would you be insulted if people began to call you that all the time?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Grrrr....This blog is chsnging into a supportive of the C.O.R. Party blog!!!!

There's many Acadian families who were force to change their last name from LeBlanc to get a job.

Which reminds moi? I must write a blog about this issue.

Sta tuned

Opppss Nous les Acadiens et Acadiennes vont toujours appeller Saint John - Saint-Jean!

C'est la vie!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok Charles The White, when I can't read what's on the blog because it's in a language I can't understand, I guess I'll just have to skip over that one and go on to your next topic. No hard feelings. Very amusing subjects your readers have raised though.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Just a little reminder to all my friends out there?

I'll let the The White go by in this blog but your comment will be rejected in other blog.

Just wish to let ya hard feeling!!!

Anonymous said...

If nothing else perhaps the posts will become more civil if the blog were just in french. To correct Charles, only the river was called Saint Jean by Champlain, the city was named by loyalists in 1785.

However, insults are measured by intent, and its quite a stretch to call 'Jean' an insult.

It's quite telling that the most replies come to a thread about Saint Jean. Two solitudes indeed, and very bitter ones too. Perhaps if/when NB gets filled with chinese and Pakistani that will change, everybody will be talking hindi and mandarin.

Anonymous said...

So you think it's perfectly acceptable for you to alter an official proper name of Saint John to Saint-Jean but when someone changes LeBlanc to The White, you get annoyed? That's amazingly hypocritical. If you have an issue with "The White", you can understand how others feel about Saint John being changed. BOTH translations are wrong - Saint John is Saint John and LeBlanc is LeBlanc.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Well? Nous la population Acadienne always call Saint John- La Ville de Saint-Jean!!!!

What can I say????

Anonymous said...

I am Acadien and I do not want you to talk for me. You are not my representative and you never will. I call it Saint John and not Saint-Jean.

So you don't speak for the Acadien polulation or Acadien people and stop saying that we talk or act that way.

I for one would like to let everybody know that I respect proper names and people and do not do or say anything to be rude and ignorant like Mr. LeBlanc. And if I do I am truely sorry because I don't mean to.

I hope people don't think that all Acadien people are ignorant and rude like Mr. Leblanc because we are not.

Anonymous said...

That's hardly being rude, John in french is Jean. Saying a word that way certainly doesn't make it an 'insult'. Why would anybody be insulted by that? However, changing the family name was obviously meant as an insult. How exactly is Charles being insulting?

However, if that's the case there's a perfectly easy solution. Saint John was called Saint John by the loyalists thats true, but calling it the 'Saint John River' is an 'insult' because it was called Saint Jean.

So either one of two things can happen. Charles agrees to call it Saint John and people agree to call it the Saint Jean River, or else people go back to calling it Saint John or Saint Jean and get over it. When Charles starts calling it "Stanktown" then people can start talking about insults.

Anonymous said...

I find it's just as offensive when people call it St. John or St. John's instead of Saint John.

But seriously ... back to the original issue ... I am happy this blog is in English, Charles, and even though you are bilingual, I respect your decision to keep it that way. If you're comfortable with the language, so be it. My mom is french and she uses English more (at least in written form) and speaks in French more. She just finds it more comfortable that way.

Michael G. McKay said...

You don't get it do you, This bilingualism is gotten way out of hand, and it is getting much worse then it was meant to. this legislation was not originally meant to keep people from gaining employment with the government sector or, anywhere else for that matter. Bilingualism was only meant to make sure that both French and English Speaking Residents of this Province have the esential services that the Provincial and Federal government provided in the language of their Choice. but it has indeed been used to discriminate against those who are for whatever reason chose not to use french s a second language.

East Coast Kiter said...

I am Acadien as well. I've heard Saint John pronouced Saint Jean before. Wow, you guys care about really important issues on here, don't you? Getting so upset over a name. Grow up, people.