Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Will NB Power CEO David Hay order the City of Fredericton to cut down this tree????

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison

I wonder how come the Irving's never covered this story???

Ohhhhhh...THAT'S RIGHT!!!

They must have gotten the trees free of charge!!!!

Click below for the story -



Anonymous said...

So instead of cutting the trees down, you would prefer they stay up and eventually cause a fire or other similar problem?

Anonymous said...

You make no sense whatsoever. The Irving's have nothing to do with the trees that the city of Fredericton own.

And plus no the trees would not be cut, if they interfere with the power lines NB Power will trim them but not cut them down unless they are rotten. I know this because one of the trees in front of my house was interfering with the power lines and they only trimed it and they talked to me first.

Plus I don't think Mr. Hay does the ordering he has people hired to do that, witch are foresters or forest technicians.

So now I see that you are starting to add NB Power to your nonsense accusation.

Anonymous said...

You call this news. How many times you have repeated this? No wonder people call you a kook.