Monday, March 05, 2007


I feel bad because I always like the guy. I'll write more on this in the morning.

I don't get paid to write stories at Midnight!!!


Spinks said...

A) Nice job breaking this story Charles and being the first to announce it.

B) The voters kicking him out would have been sweeter but either way, it's not a sad day in this corner.

Anonymous said...

about time.

Anonymous said...

People should ask how much of a pension pluss bennifits will he make every year unpon quiting.

Michael G. McKay said...

Well all I have to say is thank God finally this province is finished with him. He and his federal Liberal Party he cozied up to never did anything good for New Brunswick, In fact, they destroyed our or, sought to destroy our Traditional values of family. He deliberately ignored the concerns of the voters in his riding and voted for same-sex Marriage and also his part voted to Murder the Unborn Child in the Womb. Yes I too would like to know how much of a pension and perks and benefits he will be swimming in, and all tax free I believe. I don't hate Mr. Scott or do I wish him any ill will, but I would like to know how an individual who is supposed to work on behalf of all of the voting taxpayers in his riding could get paid for discracing us and going against our wishes. Bye Bye andy I don't hate you but I can't say that I like what you did with the hard earned tax dollar of this province and Country.