This jerk is starting to get on my nerves. I received another letter of copyright infringement.
These new Irving employees are really trying to have this blog shut down.
I used some stories years ago < The days we had a paper >
Why are the Irvings or Jamie Irving allowing this Jerk Scott Agnew to cause me some harm?

I guess the Irvings are working overtime to have this blog shut down!!!
It's a darn shame we don't have anymore Talk Shows in this Province because I would go on the air big time!!! < Just like the good old day >

...and you people get upset when I used the Hitler picture???

When Hitler took power??? He took control of the media to brainwash the citizens of Germany and the same thing is happening in this Province.
The mayor of Bathurst and Miramichi are very upset with the Irvings because they shut down their newspaper office in that area.

Mayors in N.B. criticize disappearance of regional media
Last Updated: Monday, October 1, 2007 | 1:20 PM AT
CBC News
Mayors and communities in northern New Brunswick are criticizing the wave of recent decisions to pull reporters out of their region.
The Moncton Times and Transcript has closed its bureau in Miramichi effective immediately, eliminating the last daily newspaper reporter covering the area. Management at the newspaper did not return calls for comment.
They said that they haven’t saw an Irving reporter in their chambers for months!!!
When I appeared in front of the Senate in 2005- Click below for info-
The Irvings told the Senate they weren’t interested in the news. They were only interested in advertising!!
This is what I believe is happening?
The Irvings will continue to make complaints till the blog is shut down!!!
I am not making these stories up???
These people wish to control what is said in New Brunswick.
They don’t want the outside world to know what’s happening so therefore the underground media is the only way!!!

The only time I noticed their paper is when I’m in a line up.
The Irvings are dirty and must be stop but the question is how???

I have a little blog but it’s powerful.
Many end up here by searching- J.D Irving.
Guess what? My blog site is way up there and also in the image section.
Not too may people can say they’re in the same photo album with the Irvings!!!..lol

This is what it is and that’s that!!!
Even Premier Shawn Graham is in the same ball game.
Go ahead and google his name and my picture shows up!!!
I believe the Irvings have given orders to their employees such as Scott Agnew to have this blog shut down but one thing is certain?

If they succeed? I will be in Saint John and the Irving will truly hear from this blogger.
If the blog shuts down? I’ll just start a new one but it could be a huge public disaster for the Irvings!
New Brunswickers are a passive bunch but not that passive.
When I blogged this issue last month?
I was approached by many strangers telling me this is not right at all!!!
I have my little blog and the Irvings have all the newspapers in New Brunswick!!!
Jamie Irving should leave me be!!!

Why don’t they just leave me alone and just let me continue blogging issues away!!!
What’s going to happen???
Maybe I should have been accepted as an Irving blogger and everyone would have been happy???

Stay tune!!!
P.S. Where is this Scott Agnew from anyway??? Germany maybe???
You are full of it. You have insulted too many people and harassed too many. With Hitler thing you are insulting more people. It will be a sigh of relief when all this non-sense is ended.
You are important in your own head only.
Charles, another Irving employee or wannabe heard from obviously. Proably Scott Agnew himself! Ha Ha
Put down the smokes, pop a ritalin (the real reason this blog was started for, not for your own problems of 'persecution') and have a read. You, Charles Smokes-his-face-off-on-the-government-dime Leblanc, are stealing. That is their content. If they copy and pasted (lord help us if that happens) a blog from this site and put it into their paper, it would be the same thing. You are taking what belongs (see copyrighted material) to someone else, and putting it onto their website. As a writer I take issue with someone continually stealing work they did not do without credit or permission. Just put up a link already.
p.s. on another note, I hope I don't see you downtown bothering people this weekend again...unless it's while handing out resumes. GET A JOB. BLOGS ARE NOT JOBS. They are basically e-diaries. Think every kid that has a diary or journal considers that their job? Didn't think so. Start pounding the pavement, you leech. Quit blaming ADD for your pure laziness. We're tired of paying for your smokes and ice cream.
Saint John is left out in the cold over and over from hugh decisions made by the biggest corporation.
No radio, TV or newspaper is free from the Irving control and fact releasing information that is definitely processed by them.
LNG pipeline is not wanted here but guess what they allow it . Now they want people to have their say all of a sudden. Not believable or laughable.
The paper covers the story on wards; they want you to believe; it is best for the people and things will be so much better. We know who wants the ward system; the Irvings and their councillors who have their own agenda. People here in Saint JOhn are so gullible.
Councillors and Mayor who totally turned on the people need to get their butts kicked to the curb but that won't happen if the Ward System gets adopted.
PLease go out and "Vote NO" to the "Ward System". Do you honestly think that they will ever care which neighbourhood you live in and they will be accountable to your neighbourhood?
Now who just fell off the Turnip Truck. You will get the representation they want to give you. Not what you think you are voting for.
You will have less say and definitely they know that. That is why they hope to brain wash you to their way of thinking.
NO one else has the power to have surveys and interviews and controlled articles in the paper like the Irvings. Also give Hooton and the Mayor every opportunities for pictures and their say and opinions. We know they were promised they would get ink to help support their compaign for all the help to pass the LNG Deal. Irving will help them as promised.
Wake up and don't fall for their promises of a Rose Garden.
charles only tells the truth...
That was either sneaky or smart, you don't actually say what the issue was. They at least had some credibility when you were posting whole articles from their papers, what was it this time?
Calling someone a "Jerk" in your title is name calling and is forbidden by "Charles". You don't follow your own rules. Scott Agnew simply asked you to respect a copyright. You invent a story that he wants to shut down your blog. If there is no controversy, why not create one?
Were did you copy their article? Since Google removed the last ones a few weeks ago I have not seen you copy any articles, you have been pretty good on that issue.
Last time I checked using the word JERK to refer to someone was name calling. I thought there was no name calling allowed on your blog Charles. You are a hypocrite.
And again, if you hadn't stolen the material from the papers to begin with, you wouldn't be in this situation. Just remove the articles and Google won't do anything to you.
Managing Editor: Scott Agnew
This is what's going on. They made a complaint and google remove the post.
Now? The Irvings are going in past blogs and making complaint each time.
They do not send me an email. They're going directly over my head.
Who are these young jerks anyway?
Something is going on and I don't like it!!
I wish they would just leave me alone.
They should concentrate on real news around the Province and leave us bloggers alone.
Charles can call amyone a Jerk or whatever he wants.
This is his blog and he can do whatever he wants. He does not have to follow the rules that people who post comments on his blog.
Its his blog and he deceides what the rules are.
-- maurice the homeless guy --
Going over your head? Why in the world would they come to you to ask you to remove the articles again? The last time they did you told them to shove it up their a$$.
You created this problem, not CanadaEast or the Irvings. Remove the articles you are being asked to remove (by Google) and your troubles are over.
Hey "Momo The Homo Guy..." "since it's allowed to call people names on this blog" because Charles confirms it's alright. Pretty fun. In conclusion, it's fun to call names but it doesn't help in communication and changing things in society. Charles, how can you defend a cause if you keep twisting reality and calling people names???
I rejected 5 negative comments from the same individual.
I do have a question?
Once this blog shuts down? Where would you idiots go and complain?
Let me guess?
I'm certain that your comments will not be allowed in their papers or blogs!
So? Pray and praise this blog because if it's gone?
You idiots are going to have a boring life!
P.S. Anyone who stays in front of their computer all day waiting to see what I'm going to blog about sure don't have a life!!!
Enough said!
Hey why bi
I didnt shake your cage and you want to shake my cage?
How about we meet in a parking lot and have a conversation?
I can promise you that you wont be flapping your mouth at for long after that.
-- maurice the homeless guy --
Isn't everyone just full of love,"peace,and good will toward men?"
Have a little sense of humour Maurice. Just having a little fun. What's with the threats. Did you know that it's illegal in this great country to threaten people. Relax man. Don't have a fit. You better watch out who you threaten, you might get a big surprise.
You really shouldn't be too hard on Maurice the hominid guy he really can't help it. After all threatening violence on unknown people in blog is so mind numbing stupid as to verge on idiocy. The best thing for all is probably to simply ignore the poor man and if anything fight harder for better care for those with diminished resources. Some people just shouldn't be allowed out in public unsupervised. Frankly that Charles allows it is the more disturbing. It does show just how badly this blog has slipped.
I agree with Just Passing on this one. Sliped from an activist site for children with ADHD to a blog site for insulting people etc...too bad for the children...
People should be able to voice their opinion and leave the Blog alone. Anything that is offensive can be deleted.
How can we delete the articles in the Irving Paper that are offensive and are damaging?
The person who questions what articles about the Ward System has been under a rock.
It doesnot matter to some people because they love to pick on your Blog about anything at all.
CHARLES keep up with the Blog; I don't think they are with all the power. Can't blame anyone who has a mind of their own. Irvings want you to know their version on how well everyone is doing and spin the crapp.
If only we all knew what is going on behind our backs.
There are good reasons to speak out but no matter who says something against the Irvings we know they have their group on the Blog who will defend them to their death.
passing by, cj, why bee and some anonymous.
It got to the point that 99% of the comments that you were posting were always bashing and insulting Charles no mater what he posted. He could have posted a picture of the sun and you would have insulted him.
If you hate Charles so much then why in the hell do you bother to check up on Charles blog a bunch of times a day?
Its his blog and his opinion that he post on his blog.
You don’t have to agree with the guy but if you only want to insult him well expect to get insulted right back.
If you back off a bit I will too. If not I wont either.
-- maurice the homeless guy --
did google also force you into removing the song you were playing about the police officer in saint john
you were defeated my man Ha Ha Ha
Maurice look back at my comments. I don't insult Charles. If you ask him I think he will agree that I never insulted him. I question and comment his opinion and sometimes with a little humour. I think this is what Charles expects and wants for his blog. As for you Maurice, I called you names to see if you liked it since you keep calling others names. Obviously you didn't like it because since then you have been making physical threats to me. Grow-up and have a little sense of humour.
Ok Maurice, I have been pretty quiet lately but enough is enough. I pick on Charles because I am a critic of his.
Charles is a critic of government, Irvings, etc.... Well I critic Charles. Sometimes I agree with him and I support him on that topic and other times I just don't agree and I let him know by writting a comment. I always try to use good language (if I don't Charles doesn't post it and I have no problem with not posting bad language).
My problem is with how Charles posts your comments when you are plainly insulting people, ignorant, etc... There is double standards here, if I have to follow Charles rules that's fine by me but everybody should follow them also.
I do enjoy Charles blog because I use it as a hoby of mine to critic his blogs, just like he loves to critic everybody by blogging them.
Charles asked: "P.S. Where is this Scott Agnew from anyway??? Germany maybe???"
No, but since you asked he's an 11th generation New Brunswicker actually. On one side of the family he is descended from the first family to permanently settle the Moncton area. On another side, he's descended from Acadians who fled the deportation into the forests of NB. I'm pretty sure there are no Nazis in his family tree.
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