Saturday, February 02, 2008

Most major millionaires baseball players have ADHD????

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
Rep. John Tierney, D-Mass.: At the January hearing, the Massachusetts Democrat focused on the rising number of therapeutic use exemptions given to ballplayers taking amphetaminelike substances such as Ritalin or Adderall, commonly prescribed for attention deficit or hyperactivity disorders. These drugs are deemed "performance-enhancing" by Major League Baseball, but exemptions are granted.

Tierney, rattling off statistics about a sport that loves its stats so dearly, pressed Selig and Fehr about the fact that the number of those exemptions is skyrocketing. "In 2006 the total number of players that were subjected to testing was 1,356, and there were 35 therapeutic use exemptions granted. Of those, 28 were for ADD or ADHD medications. In 2007, that number jumped significantly. Of the 1,354 players tested, therapeutic use exemptions granted were 111, of which 103 were for ADD or ADHD medications. Now, that would make that almost eight times the normal adult usage in our population amongst baseball players."

In response, both Selig and Fehr defended the current policy whereby players must apply to an independent program administrator for these exemptions by presenting documents from a physician. Whatever line of questioning Tierney chooses, witnesses would be smart to pay close attention when Tierney addresses them this month.

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