The top pictures weren't taken in the Miramichi Youth Jail but who knows what truly happen in there???
NB Telegraph-Journal | Provincial News
As published on page A1/A2 on October 22, 2005
Jail guards subdue autistic teenager
Hired agency has sought guards' help with uncontrollable youth despite government policy
By Kathy Kaufield
Jail guards have intervened four times to help subdue the 13-year-old autistic boy housed by the province on the premises of the Miramichi youth jail, despite previous assurances from government officials they'd have no contact.
The Department of Public Safety has confirmed that jail guards have been called in four times to help the hired caregivers deal with the boy during "emergency" situations.
Patricia Hyland, spokesperson with the Department of Public Safety, said officials in her department have formally warned the Department of Family and Community Services that it is "not appropriate" for the caregivers hired by the province to seek assistance from the jail guards.
That's because the boy, who is not serving a criminal sentence, is not an inmate.
"(We told them) that they should make other arrangements to deal with future emergencies," Ms. Hyland said.
Family and Community Services revealed last week the boy is temporarily housed in a visitors' apartment at the youth jail and will remain there until he can be moved to a specialized care facility in Maine at month's end.
The boy is severely autistic and sometimes violent and the province says no other facility in New Brunswick meets his needs. They say the apartment at the jail compound is the best place to keep him until be can be moved to Maine.
Advocates for autistic children have been critical of the government's decision to place him there, saying he has committed no crime. They also say the case shows there is a need for proper facilities in New Brunswick to deal with individuals like him. Ombudsman Bernard Richard and Opposition Liberals have also raised questions about the case, saying it needs to be investigated by an independent office outside of government to make sure the boy gets proper care.
The province has contracted a non-profit agency from Miramichi, M.O.R.E. Services Inc., to provide care from two persons 24 hours per day at a cost of $700 per day. The visitors' apartment does not have bars on the windows and is near the administration building.
The boy cannot be named because he is under the care of the department.
Family and Community Services spokesperson Robert Duguay said twice last week that the boy has had no contact with the jail guards, but Ms. Hyland said that is not so.
Neither she nor Mr. Duguay would provide any details about the emergencies, saying it is information relating to the boy's care is confidential. For the same reason, neither would say how many guards were involved or when these interventions happened.
Ms. Hyland said the Public Safety department has an agreement with Family and Community Services that says jail guards shouldn't be in contact with the boy.
"He's not a youth in custody," she said. "We have a very specific agreement that says we are providing you the space and they hired the caregivers and are responsible for the care of the child so it's not appropriate for our staff to be helping with emergencies."
That said, Ms. Hyland added, "In an emergency, you respond to the emergency."
She said that although the department would prefer the guards not have contact with the boy, they would likely respond to another emergency.
"If (our) help was sought in an emergency situation, then our staff are in the difficult situation of either responding to the emergency or putting caregivers in immediate danger. So as concerned people, we would respond to an emergency. It's like a 911 call, right?"
Mr. Duguay said Friday he wasn't aware of the emergencies last week. He said the arrangement is clear that the guards shouldn't have contact with the boy but that a friendly relationship developed between the guards and the caregivers. He said the guards offered their assistance so when the emergencies arose, the caregivers took them up on it and buzzed them on the intercom system.
He said despite the arrangement that guards should not have contact with the boy, "it was a time of crisis. We don't want the child to hurt himself, to come to a point where he can (get) hurt seriously and sometimes he needs more than two people to help him, to get into control," Mr. Duguay said.
He said M.O.R.E. Services Inc. does have its own back-up system for emergencies and has been told to use it rather than call in the guards.
M.O.R.E. (Miramichi Options for Residential and Employment Services) Services Inc. is a non-profit agency that assists and supports individuals with intellectual disabilities. Their clients, who are referred to them by Family and Community Services, range from youth at risk to mentally challenged youth and adults to developmentally delayed youth and adults.
Bob Daley, M.O.R.E. Service Inc.'s residential manager, said Friday they have seven employees and one supervisor managing the boy's case.
He said the supervisor has 20 years experience with the agency, is a former crisis intervention instructor and has experience dealing with autistic individuals. The seven employees, who take shifts with the boy, are all trained as human services counsellors or youth workers and all have some experience dealing with autistic individuals.
Mr. Duguay said the province is more than satisfied with the care the agency is providing to the boy.
Charles you make me laugh you say that the Irvings are a evil empire, then you go and publish there crap. How come you don't get the facts and write your own stuff? This is what the problem is in N.B. one media source and everybody has to reference them in a story.
Is this the way Lord government going to treat the weak, vulnerable in our society? We come closest to experience Nazism all over again? This has gone too far. Lord government has completely lost it.
What Lord government is up to? Put in jail anyone who disagrees with them. This child needs treatment not imprisonment.
Please do not tell me that this child is so strong that two adults plus jail guards are needed to control him. Incredible. Lies and more lies from Lord and operatives.
A very excellent point!
If I was paid to investigate these issues? I would do it!
Lets get one thing straight right now!
I'm very good friends with many of the reporters from the Irving's newspapers.
I got nothing against them!
As a matter of fact, I feel sorry for these guys/gals because they cannot write true stories of the Evil Irving Empire because they would be fired right on the spot!
My main concern is J.D. Irving!!!!
He's totally out of control and must be stop!!!!!
He gives the orders to the Editors and if they don't follow his orders?
They will be executed....opppsss I mean deported from this province because he owns all the newspapers in this province!
Executed and deported????
Same thing!!!!! If you asks moi????
Now? are we going to change the issue again????
What about the Autistic child in jail???
Mr. Lord must resign and spare this province of anymore inhumanity.
Lord Nazi????? You make me laugh at least the Lord government nevr ran our province in a defecit, at leat a Lord government can make tough decisions and not buy them off with taxpayers hard earned money. We let the Liberals in we are in big trouble, just look at the McKenna years and we will know the outcome.
Charles i see your point but you still have to look at the fact that the reporters are the foot soldiers for the Irvings. Everything they say is negative it makes me laugh. The lord government was given money by J.D. for there school in Woodstock on journalism. These reporters are bias I just wish that you would get another side of the story from someone outside of the Irving "loop". Yur blog is good but you always have the Irving in your story but your webpage shows your picture trying to stomp them out. What gives?
The Graham OPPOSITION (and thank god for that) should give up and get out of the province. They don't even have a real leader. 3 people want your job Shawn 3 people, so remember that at your next leadership if that's what you want to call it? Or your DADDY'S "call all of my friends to get you in" party.
I am not even a Liberal. I am a Tory. Very concerned about Tory party. Lord will kill Tory party if not stopped. To jail a child who cannot speak for himself. Lord government has lost it. It should send shockwaves throughout Tory party and shockwaves through the province and country that what Bernard Lord is capable of and how incompetent he is.
Bernard Lord must resign and resign now. We cannot take anymore lies.
Sure so we can have a Liberal government that will lie and steal. Shawn must resign
Hey? If there were other newspapers in this province? I would use them but The Irvings bought them all! Maybe I want to see if the Irvings will dare to send me an email warning me that I don't have the right to paste their stories? There's always something going on with my madness????...lol
12:11 PM you got it wrong. It has nothing to do with Liberals or Conservatives as parties. It is the incompetence of Lord. I was Lord supporter. I know enough about politics that I can tell you Lord is killing good old, compassionate Tory party. Before he puts it to death we should get rid of him as a leader. Let him not destroy the legacy of Tory party.
I am very surprise there's not an uproar in this blog of the issue in hand???? Very surprise but then again if you don't have an Autistic child? Why should you be concern right? Same goes for other problems....
Charles, there's no uproar because this troubled child isn't in jail. He's in a home all his own, with two full-time attendants. When he really loses it the attendants call in help.
End of story. No need for outrage here. Time for the next Nazi analogy.
Young boy is in prison, period. There is an outrage. May be not on this site but in provincial and national media. It may make international news given the inhumanity of the actions. Bernard Lord is giving bad name to us Tories. Sooner we get rid of him better for the party. This man did win two elections by hook or crook, mostly by crook, but he just cannot govern.
Sorry 4:56, your "facts" are not. The boy is not "in prison". You can ready the story, so you know that. Why would you tell a lie?
It is Lord's officials who are lying. What difference it makes what building of the prison the boy is in he is still in prison. He has two adults controlling his every movement and then two jail gaurds. That is prison. Had it not been prison then media will not be covering the story that extensively on provincial and now on national level. You can put any spin on this you want but that does not change the fact that the boy is in the prison. This is still another of Lord's fiascos.
Are Lord's advisors stupid or Lord himself is independently stupid to create such fiascos.
Media report does not say that the boy is from Miramichi. He must have been brought there from some other part of the province. That is what makes it all the more hideous.
Hey Charles:
This picture of Huntjens the clown is good. Good message where he wants to get rid of seniors and disabled. Post it often so that people know what a moron he is.
What I truly find scary in this story? I believe that it wouldn't matter which party would be in power? This is the reason we need a child advocate now!!!!!!!
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