For his dedication, courage and determination for standing up for what he believes in.
He never gave in during a confrontation.
He stood firm in his belief.
He keeps the name calling from Charles.
He never came out publicly with his name but his nick is very well known in this blog.
He left for a couple of weeks and many asked where was he????
He was truly miss!!!
This is the reason that my person of the week is – SPINKS!!!!
Keep up the good work whoever you are.
Hey? At least he used a nick.
There is a great advantage not having a nick because we will be obsessed with individuals and forget about the real purpose of the blog. Spinks is sure good at starting controversies. If he only tone down his bigotry.
Charles you have truly lowered your standards now.
Stinks is your person of the week?
Are you nuts?
Little Irving Tiny Tim and Stinks
Now there a wonderful threesom for you.
And me with no speech prepared (yeah I know, for the first time ever.) Too funny Charles. Clearly the peanut gallery above agrees with your choice. LOL.
Your heading should read:
Stinks should be brown noser of the week
You have a good fan base judging by the comments you have received so far. Does that tell you something? May be the grey matter upstairs is so thick that nothing penetrates.
Ah it's a beautiful day in your hoodbernay and still you march on!!
keep it up fellas. It certainly can't be said that you don't have variety to choose from.
When you think about it these guys only help your cause as it shows your unmoveable determination to PRESS on with the issues no matter how big or small the concern.
They try to bash your ideas and tear apart your co-ordinating efforts, put you down below their level(If that's possible)and yet you still march on!?
Simplisity seems to be the order of the day, I hope it keeps going your way and to those folks I say keep bashing away as it brings me back to see you've not gone astray as I sit here reading the new title of the day!!!
I think Charles,Tim,WCIE,WCIE Artist,and anyone else behind the curtain that's helping out should all pat themselves on the back as without you this blog would not be here.
I'm sure the meatheads that visit and stir up the soup would be giving it to someone else regardless of how hard the effort to keep the public informed.
The way I see it you just read between the lines and get what you need and Mourice the homeless guy and company are in the funnies section right were they belong..
Again Keep it up troops!
6:09am, like Charles I'm not here to win any popularity contests (obviously) and I have no intention of agreeing with the majority on everything simply to not get attacked. I am glad my posts get read though even by those who can't stand me personally and continue to throw unsubstantiated names like "bigot" at me. I think Charles choice is largely "toungue in cheek" and I'm sure he knew he'd get a largely negative reaction from the anonymous posters.
Ah but spinks that's the issue right there Charles doesn't get a majority of negativity it's ONLY a very select few who have nothing better to do then to go around to blogsites and create havoc and if like myself you do the research and notice the times of attack you'll notice that they come from the very group of people they tend to pick apart as NO JOB or nothing better to do with their time.
Thus the title comedy section was born from their own doings of which Charlie does not have to waste his time trying to create or update, It (they) takes care of itself.
In other words they add something and or contribute to the success of this very site as it keeps some readers coming back to follow their comedic harassments in between some interesting readings of comments from local writings on issues of the day I think it's a healthy balance of both.
I for one would like to thank them for their contributions per say not the same old dull drums and we the regular readers know the difference between trying to discredit the validity of Charles and company verses a very small group of individuals who have no life or don't get out a lot and crave a different type of attention and or does not work well with others so they play well with each other and belong to a small group of dysfunctional misfits that feel the need to get attention through the degradations of others.
Charlie don’t change a thing your doing a good service as your count shows, Almost 40,000 hits within 10 months is not all bad – Numbers go up when your on the mark and go down when you’ve strayed so it has nothing to do with the Kindergarten crew. Enjoy what it is you do and we will decipher the rest.
"belong to a small group of dysfunctional misfits"
My independent you described well Lord and crew which includes Spinks.
Spinks is dysfunctional alright.
I think this blog is hoax just like the one on e-mails and federal government. Charles did not check out before posting. It was a joke right.
Maurice likes Spinks. Come on now.
I wish to thank you for the kinds word and ARTIST WCIE does fine work.
It's a hobby of ours and we enjoy it!
Mind you sometime we do have our infighting but we move on.
As for Spinks person of the week?
If you read between the lines?
I choose Spinks because he has a nick and I wish everyone would do the same.....
thanks for the kind words....now going bloggling a new blog now....
This one is going to be a total different one.....Never been written about in this blog!!!
This is a good job he is doing to help the people of NB to have a voice, thank you. If you don't agree or don't like get lost. Charles this is great.
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