Friday, July 21, 2006


IMG_6113, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

This Quebec company must be carrying a whole truckload of sleeping bags for the tourists can sleep in them on their four hours wait for the ferry.

This is one the main reason that the Digby ferry is going bye bye.



Anonymous said...

You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

It has nothing to do with the Acadien Bus Lines. It is the rising cost in fuel that is the main problem.

I would suspect you will still see the ferry come November.1. Bay Ferries is looking for the federal and provincial governments to subsidize the run, and this is their way of blackmailing the governments into helping.

Get your facts straight Charles, that is what a good journalist/blogger does. They don't make up the news like you do.

Anonymous said...

Get facts? That is lot of work. You are asking Charles to work. Now that is insulting to him. Be polite, please.

Anonymous said...

Charles, interesting that you get to determine which comments will go on your site. I recall writing a comment a few days ago pertaining to your anti-ism on everything from the Irvings to the unions and - egads, it did not get posted. Great way to control your site there buddy , are you sure you aren't an Irving and working undercover for the media owned by them.

Anonymous said...

Hey Charles, great way to control what goes on your site, you get to choose. I recall a comment sent a few days back pertaining to your anti-ism - everything from anti-Irving to anti-union. Are you sure you don't work for the media controled Irving's and use this as a way to control what people hear and see.

BTW, way to many pics of kids, ever heard of privacy legislation. If it were my kid without my permission I would not be happy - not at all.

Also, stop using ADHD as your excuse for everything. Get a job and become a productive member of society, a lot of ADHD adults do it - try it, you might even like it. Oh, maybe you are on "stress leave".

Anonymous said...

Oh, here comes the 'anti Charles brigade'. They post here every once in awhile for no apparant reason, they just seem to not like Charles website. I assume they are the same people who write to TV shows telling them to stop making them because they don't like them.

It seems proof positive of the failure of New Brunswick's educational system-they really don't seem to understand that there are other websites out there and they really don't need to come here.

So for reference, if you see the white bar at the top of your browser? Well, you can put in all kinds of other website addresses ang go there. Neat huh?

We have to laugh at a poster who claims Charles doesn't know what he's talking about, then states absolutely that it is the 'rising price of fuel'.

Isn't that interesting, because the last time I checked, the wood island ferry was still running, and the Maine-Nova Scotia ferry is running as well.

Well gosh, look at that, it turns out that there are ferries all over the world that aren't stopping running even though the price of fuel is going up!

But gee, it couldn't be the fact that nobody is taking the ferry could it genius? You'll notice Charles as least says the bus route is 'one' of the reasons its stopping. How would you like to sit for four hours waiting for the ferry?

Even without a formal education and with ADHD it turns out that in fact Charles is much smarter than most of the posters who criticize him.

Notice how they tell Charles to get his facts straight but have no trouble posting what they 'suspect' is the case.

Ignore the pinheads Charles, you really should have a website of your own because the comments section is just too dumb for words.

Anonymous said...

1:03 PM word brown nose was invented for you. Get a sticker "Brown nose" and stick it on your forehead if you have a head that is. Otherwise you can stick it on..., you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Yes, even that grammar is vaguely intelligible. I wouldn't have to stick up for Charles if idiots weren't making asinine comments. By the way it's spelled "T-H-E", and we use it to start sentences.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that some people seem to choose to pick up on typing skills as some kind of insult? I have run into that more than once here. Its seems to me to be the modern equivalent of the "Oh Ya? Well same to you Buddy" . You know, the kind of thing you revert to when in fact you have nothing to really say at all. Doesn't it kind of make those that use it so often just look well...childish? After all Charles would be the first to admit he has more than a few typos himself yet he seems to have no problem getting his point across. (sometime all too well) If you can understand what they are saying why not stop being so petty about the spelling. If that's all you have to worry about maybe you should just not bother saying anything at all.
While I am at it (and because Annoymous mentioned this also).Is it indeed improper to disagree with the Blogger in his comment section? Are Blogs actually only for those that agree and the comment section only a place to praise the Blogger's good sense and pat all those like minded commenter's on their collective backs? Charles, tell me was it your expectation to have only people that agree with you post on your site? Does it bother you that some do not agree with you? I don't mean the name calling and nastiness (from either side) there best to be ignored by all. I mean those that simply argue another side. I have to admit this is the first "blog" I have actually spent time on...(except for a visit to spinks, just to see his list) but I have been on a couple of forums and one in particular was very unfriendly. To the point that on one (Called Proudly Canadian I think) I actually received some nasty emails from the site "owner". Not because I was rude or nasty I just questioned one of his...thoughts. Curiously he was very concerned about my spelling and grammar also.
Now lest I upset Annoymous like so many others, I'd like to ask Charles something on the subject of Acadien Bus lines and the ferry. Could you explain your position one more time. As hard as it might be to believe Annoymous did mention something that was worthy to follow up on. I know you have posted about this topic a few times so just to clear things are you indeed suggesting...The bus line IS the reason the ferry is closing....or...The bus line is a MAJOR reason the ferry is closing....or....The bus line is just ONE of the reasons the ferry is closing....or...the bus line is a Quebec company and that's all there is to say.

P.S. Pardon any spelling or grammatical errors please and thanks