You tell moi???
I was told this last week while in Saint John. I found out the true reason that CFBC Talk of the Town is history.

I guess the manager left CFBC last week and this is what I heard.
We all know the Irvings have a blacklist. It’s a record of people who will never work for the Irvings.

This also includes businesses dealing with the Irvings.
Many families were force to leave this Province if they end up on this list.
It’s a darn shame the kids were force to move also.

From what I was told? The Irvings made it very difficult for any business who advertise on CFBC.
Therefore, forcing the show off the air.
We have heard of many sad stories of the Irvings eliminating the competition but in my opinion?
This is carrying their power a little overboard.
Yes, Saint John no longer has a place to voice their concerns on certain issues. We have to go underground!

It’s over!!!! This was proven when Jamie Irving refuses to print my letter.
So? This is the reason the show was cancel because maybe the Irving people told the businesses to expect great consequences if they advertise on the Talk show?
This is the year 2006 and Saint Johners will have to go underground to spread their messages.

Sort of like a Hogan Heroes world????
Am I far off the mark on this one?
Think about it!!!

But in the year of 2006??? How many Province in Canada does not have any talk shows? The answer? We’re the only one!!!
The only tool we have left is blogging but the Prosecution in Saint John is working overtime as we speak to put an end to blogging!!!
Only Irving employees will be allowed to send out their message!
Yes, it is indeed a Hogan’s Heroes world in New Brunswick!!!

Shame on them!!!
What is this place coming to? You know what? maybe he just wants all us NON irving employees to leave the province so he can take over.
Hitler style!
Yikes, I was going to congratulate you on your new 'society branding', only to see the above comment bring it all back!
At least this is better, however, a few questions come to mind that perhaps some posters can help 'report' on.
Anybody have a recording of a 'talk of the town' show? Anybody remember what businesses advertised on it? It would be a simple procedure to talk to the owner or manager. They may deny it, but it would at least be looked into.
Has anybody here ever seen the press release from the company saying why the show was cancelled? If not, why not email and ask them.
It seems odd, because the show was on for a LONG time. So obviously unless Irving did something different this year, then it seems odd to blame a condition that has existed for a long time. It's no coicidence that Saint John is making some BIG changes, so the political end of it can't be ruled out.
Those questions should be answered because this is a big topic. I think it would be a good idea for Charles to repost some of those presentations to the Senate on media monopoly. I remember reading the gentleman who owned a couple of small newspapers in the northwest of the province, and his statement to the Senate was VERY interesting, and borderline incriminating on the Irvings who were clearly playing some nasty games.
But like any company, they get away with what they are ALLOWED to get away with. Change comes from politics, so be sure to make this a topic of conversation with family and friends, and recommend this website.
Well I did e-mail a nasty note and reason why the show went off the air and I was answered by the Operations Manager, Rob Alexander.
He said "The decision to not bring the show back was strictly a programing decision" and further went on to blame satellite radio stations, the internet and other local radio stations. No other mention (especially the real reasons) were mentioned.
It is indeed very sad to not have Talk of the Town on the airwaves as this was the ONLY truly local information that we in the Saint John area could hear the true news and things going on. But, then again, it certainly won't be the last program (person, family, business etc.) run out of town by the Irving Empire.
Not to worry though, the Empire will not last forever as it is soon to be on the decline with their cavalier attitudes towards the public. Money isn't everything!
There is some stuff in the works for the New Year, sort of taking the ideas from the above, but taking them a little'll have to wait and see.
I did also hear a few stories for the year 2007 in Saint John.
Good news for the citizens. I won't mention anything in this blog.
But one thing is certain!!! What ever happens?
I will promote it in this blog!!!
Freedom of speech must remind alive in New brunswick!!!
It all depends. Irving COULD shut down this blog if they wanted to. They have a momentous team of lawyers, international ones even. As said, any mention of their name can be called slander. The reality is the court system, which means that if any random blogger got a multi million dollar lawsuit slapped against them, how many would keep going?
In Charles case he often steps over the line in talking about the Irvings. In that case its simply a matter of calling up Google. Keep in mind that while there are many internet providers, there ISN"T a lot of internetwork owners, namely the guys who own the cable and satellites. Keep in mind also that new regulations are always coming down the pike, check out the new ones.
But Irvings and government didn't get where they are by being stupid. It's well known that people need to vent. In that case, these blogs serve them a valuable purpose, namely, it lets them know just how many people are upset enough to first, set up a blog, second, use a blog for informative purposes, and third, to actually feel the need to post messages.
This is especially important in New Brunswick because most people aren't politically active. Those people are more dangerous than foreign enemies. The blogs give people a place to vent, and often that's all the people need.
There really isn't the numbers to warrant real concern, and as most are 'outside the loop' and unable to ask the difficult questions, the blog is good for population control. I just read about it, the irish were extremely politically active under harsh british rule, while russia under Stalin was far more politically active than our democratic population. People formed 'political groups' and clubs all the time (of course they had no TV).
So in a sense people just take it for granted that 'democracy' and 'liberty' will always be there, that's why stories like this that threaten those things get a fair bit of attention (though there are lots of others, and if you think the US has been getting kinder to dissenters you aren't paying attention)
It isn't bloggers that politicians have to worry about. Bloggers and readers don't DO anything. It's the protests like the Atlantica one that causes them consternation because those are people who will stand up to cops and government and say 'we're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore'. That's what the real danger is, that's why you saw a public show of force on election day with black dressed, dare I say, stormtroopers, parading through Saint John. That looked simply horrible in the press, very much like a third world country but they simply don't care, because their are only a few people who they actually have to worry about doing anything, everybody else will simply say 'oh thats too bad', or in many cases 'isn't that good'.
Not to be unkind but I looked up the 'friends of rockwood park' and only found a blogsite. This is a group that won't even fork out a hundred bucks for an actual website, or more sadly, maybe CAN"T afford to. So its no surprise that the group is not taken seriously. The government can simply count how many people will show up at a meeting and say 'ok, that's how many won't vote for us next time'. So again, until there is a larger volume of people at blogs, they won't be taken seriously.
Charles, as usual, is the exception, because he takes pictures, and pictures the police clearly don't want out there. The idea in police work is that the harsher people are dealt with, the less likely they are to protest, and that is often true. But they certainly don't want people to see them beating the hell out of people.
It takes money and strategy to get a blog or website to take the place of a radio station,because a radio is so easy to use. A website has to be entertaining, if its just political then people won't bother. And if New Brunswickers want to see change, it has to involve more than just voices. They might not have liked talk of the town, but even had the show simply talked about the gas line every day of the week it's doubtful it would have political ramifications.
Irving has people are in power and he doesnot have to use his name or the family won't use their name. Money talks and it has the power. Common sense and respect is not a priority!
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