Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I took some pictures but I can't log in Fred-Ezone this afternoon. I'm at someone else computer. Wait for the pictures tonight!!!


Anonymous said...

That's better than filling out the paperwork, mailing it in and waiting weeks. If a person wants something "immediately" then sometimes a person has to wait in line. Why is this a story?

Anonymous said...

I, for one won't be in any line. I will not be going to that country till they try their head warlord for war crimes.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes letting people know what's going on isn't a 'story', it isn't 'newsworthy'-meaning violent, its just to let people know whats going on. It's a story because its something people may not have thought of, or because many people need passports so its interesting to know.
Three hours is not a huge deal, but people can avoid it by doing like the above poster says and mailing in an application.

Anonymous said...

I would just like to say I don't have a lot of sympathy for the people waiting in line. That is what procrastination gets you. We have known for quite some time that a passport would be needed.

Spinks said...

3:56, I had to laugh. Head Warlord?!? War crimes?!? No wonder so many Americans don't want to visit Canada. Here's my 2007 prediction. You won't be travelling to the U.S. anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

wow, tough crowd. this blog should be called 'passjudgment on everyone.com'

Anonymous said...

There is no promise to get a passport after 8 hours, it can be mailed later. Sometimes you are not given a chose so to take time off work and drive there is not something you are guaranteed.

Happy New Year; the government should be able to get a new system.

Passprts expire and we get 5 years older and nothing else changes. So why not get new pictures and pay a service fee for reprocessing and stop gouging us. My husband and I paid $240 for two passports which we may use once or twice. In our case we still live in the same city, same house, same job, still married to same person; so we should be able to have it processed at a lesser cost. Or just put a chip in our foot when we are born. It won't be far off, I'm sure. This system works better for the criminials then honest hard working people who struggle to get a little savings together for an odd trip every five years or more.