Thursday, February 22, 2007


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

This is one bureaucrat that I truly respect.

I noticed this woman a couple of years ago picking up garbage in the Green Zone of the City of Fredericton.

Charles 04_07_05 052

I forgot her name <>

She cleans the City on HER LUNCH HOUR!!!!

Can you imagine that one?

Today, I bumped into her and she was doing her good deed cleaning the streets of Fredericton.


I took this picture and moved on.

I noticed two City Workers watching the situation very closely and one guy got out.


I was certain that he was going to tell her not to pick up the garbage from the streets because it wasn’t her job?


I quickly began taking pictures but the worker never said a word and kept on walking by.


Lucky him!!!! I would have told the guy off BIG TIME!!!

Nothing happen and everyone is happy!

The City of Fredericton should give this fine bureaucrat some kind of certificate of merit for her good work?

I believe it would be a great idea.

I don’t know if the fine citizen would accept the award because she’s very shy.

Continue ton bon travaille.

P.S. Elle est Francaise!!!!


Anonymous said...

So you stood around taking pictures of her, instead of helping? Why does that not shock me?

Why don't you put your time to good use and go around the city picking up garbage? I'm serious. Help the community, help the environment.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

How come I knew that one was coming????


Anonymous said...

Too much of a coward to answer the question?

Anonymous said...

That's real mature. I asked a perfectly valid question as to why you don't help the environment while you wander all over the city and pick up some litter. Your first response ignored the question and digitally stuck your tongue out at me. Then when I challenge you to answer the question instead of seemingly avoiding it out of fear, you then call me an idiot. Real mature.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

You must be a boss from the Irving's Empire wishing me to work for free?

Come on??? Tell us your real name?

Then again? A person who leaves a comment at 12:51 AM don't have much of a life!

Meet me at Tim's and we'll go and pick up garbage around the City.

The poor woman can use some help? stay here and leave some more anonymous cowards comments.

I'm going to bed!!!!

Bonne Nuit!!!!!

Anonymous said...


bu·reau·crat [byoor-uh-krat]
1. an official of a bureaucracy.
2. an official who works by fixed routine without exercising intelligent judgment.

Not a city worker.

Anonymous said...

Hi Charles,

I am a frequent visitor to this site and I don't always agree with your point of view, but that's ok since everybody is alowed their point of view. But I have to agree with the anonymous poster above. He or she just chalenged you to help out the city and environment. You should take up that chalenge instead of insulting him or her.

Lately you are insulting alot of people and being very rude. Personaly I don't enjoy reading your blog because of it. The name calling and stereotyping of people because of what they wear or look like is not right. I was raised to be fair and polite to everybody and I know that my parents would not put up with me if I acted like you have lately.

Please go back to writing informative non biast blogs, and don't forget to add some fun ones too.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't work for Irving. There you go, trying to hurl insults again. I have a job and I volunteer for various groups - that's more than you have so grow up and stop insulting people you don't know.

You ARE paid, via your welfare cheque, how quickly you forget about that. That woman is not paid to pick up garbage, she is doing it on her own to help the environment and make our city look better. Just because she has a job too, has nothing to do with her spending her spare time helping. You have hours to kill since you won't look for a job, so would it hurt you to help her in her mission? No, of course it wouldn't but we all see how you'd rather sit around, drink coffee, drink beer, smoke cigarettes and surf the internet. That's fact.

Anonymous said...

Hi Charles, dont listen to them, I do believe that she recieved something last year for an nb environment award of some sort.

talk to you later

NON STATUS said...

Thank you for my morning laugh Charles!

"Then again? A person who leaves a comment at 12:51 AM don't have much of a life!" "posted by Charles LeBlanc : 1:25 AM"

And the people like you that post at 1:25 am?

Does that 34 minute difference, between your and their posts, make your life all that much better?

Anonymous said...

non status, who cares its charles blog, and who cares, you