Sunday, August 06, 2006


IMG_6503, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


My God? I’m a story teller this evening. I’m just here in my little room watching television and blogging away.

With all the excitement going on? I totally forgot about one issue that happen to me in St.George last week.

I was in Charlotte County < God’s Country > relaxing from all the actions in the Capital.

One guy asked the husband of my cousin if Charles was around?

He had a story for me. I guess the word of me being a blogger is spreading?

Anyway, I came out and met the guy.

His concern was the Tim Horton’s in Saint George had flies on their donuts.

They weren’t covered and he didn’t believe that it was right that flies were flying freely on the area.

I quickly answered - Excuse me? Isn’t this Hillbilly Country? What’s the big deal anyway??? You guys should be used to flies???

He was a big boy and he didn’t think it was funny so on to Tim Horton’s we went.

I walked in and I did see a lot of flies and the donuts were in the open. I took this picture and left.


We weren’t outdone. Guess what happen to the Tim Horton’s in Saint George?

They ran out of water!!!!

We noticed a drilling crew searching for water.


I always believe that Saint George had the best drinking water in Canada???

Maybe Tim Horton’s receives their water from here????

They say that I always make up these


Anonymous said...

aren't the donuts out in the open in every Tim Hortons?

Anonymous said...

I think they are, yes, but I haven't noticed flies walking on them in other Tim's - so the real issue is why aren't they controlling the pest problem better??? Are they propping a door open (poor air-conditioning)? Do they have a garbage problem that is attracting more flies than normal?

Would pest strips or electric zappers work? Or the old folk-remedy of a blown up brown lunchbag hung in the doorway? (Flies think it's a wasps' nest and avoid it as wasps eat flies.)

Ick. I think I'll definitely avoid that Tim's until they get their house in order!!

Anonymous said...

I have seen it at several Tim Hortons as well as in some bakeries. It's not that uncommon unfortunately.
What bothers me more is when a worker in a bakery picks up baked goods with bare hands immediately after touching money, or holds baked goods against their sleeve or shirt while packaging the items. That's disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Hey, all Tim's has to do is hire Mick Jagger to zap the Flies with his Tongue, oe Better yet, Gene Simmons from Kiss