Come on people, we all know who the better man is for the job. Just look at Bernard Lord walking away from the people with his head down. You don't see Shawn Graham acting like that, he's a people person, he's not afraid to get out there and talk with the people and hear their concerns. He has a lot of good people working beside him to make this province a better place to live. Abel LeBlanc is just one of them, he'll go that extra mile to help people not just in Saint John but here in Fredericton as well. I can't say enough about the man, a good man with a huge heart. Shawn has a good team working with him, he would do very well as the next Prime Minister. I know who I'll be voting for, the better man Shawn Graham.
There is a difference between a talker and a mover.
Lord is wanted by the people of NB and the people of canada.
mckenna is not wanted.
Come on people, we all know who the better man is for the job. Just look at Bernard Lord walking away from the people with his head down. You don't see Shawn Graham acting like that, he's a people person, he's not afraid to get out there and talk with the people and hear their concerns. He has a lot of good people working beside him to make this province a better place to live. Abel LeBlanc is just one of them, he'll go that extra mile to help people not just in Saint John but here in Fredericton as well. I can't say enough about the man, a good man with a huge heart. Shawn has a good team working with him, he would do very well as the next Prime Minister. I know who I'll be voting for, the better man Shawn Graham.
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