Thursday, September 07, 2006


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
Do you miss it??? I am certain that Trevor Holder is very happy there's no show.

If you wish to complain about this very sad decision?

You can send a complaint to

Do me a favor? Send me your letter at and I'll blog it.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see that the CAVE PEOPLE no longer have access to the public airwaves for their incessant and useless meanderings.

Rick Mantle let the show become a sounding board for the same ten callers on the same ten issues day and day out. The show hardly ever had a topic anymore, relying instead on "open" shows that were nothing more than common council lynch sessions.

Saint John's business community and forward thinking residents abandoned the show long ago, and it became a case of preaching to the choir.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am surprised that the management at the radio station allowed Rick Mantle to destroy a program that has been on the air that long.The man only had a one issue show,"hate the Irvings".Futhermore his grasp on the English Language was like a very uneducated person;riddled with "like a"and "I mean".I couldn't stand to listen to him but unfortunetly my husband likes talk shows and now that his show is off the air we have found another one.88.9fm,it is a far more sensible program,the talk show host even talks and listens to woman,something Rick Mantle didn't do too often.Im glad he is gone,not the program

Anonymous said...

i DO miss it, I must admit, but I wish it could have been re-vamped , like they could have said you could call in once a week or something like that.
I am tired of listening to, and won't miss, people like Jim Webb, Sean O'Shaunessey, Bruce and Ivan Court, some Bob guy, Susan the holy roller in Sussex, Charles LeBlanc called a fair bit, and there are several others.
No, I won't miss them at all.
You got the odd new caller from time to time and that's when things got interesting.
I'll miss that. What's Rick Mantle doing now, anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to listen to the same attention seekers day in and day out. If these people like to hear themselves talk so much, maybe they could just meet every morning and take turns standing up and rambling, ranting, raving, whining, moaning and complaining to each other. We could call it Complainers Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Mantle is back to doing what he should have been doing all along.working in the news department. he ruined tott with his one horse show. he used it to further his personal vendetta against Irvng. if you don't know why just ask around the city. it is no secret where his anger came from. and it had nothing to do with lng or pipelines.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

The way you people are whinning in here????

You sure must have been one of those 99% who just sat around and listen to the show.

At least in a blog? You don't have to talk.

Come on lets give Rick some credit. He was a good host but I will agree that there were too many open shows.

Anonymous said...

Hey Not tuned in anymore : 6:11 PM

At least all the people you mentioned, had the Guts to allow their real names to go over the air, and not hide behind some stupid monicker like you used

" Not tuned in anymore "

More than likely you wanted to call the show, but in all reality Never Had The Gut's To.

You are the Silent Minority type I bet, that complains about what others say, but don't have the Ball's to express your opinion.

Yes I said Ball's, call the Internet Police you silent liettle WIMP:

At least the people you mentioned, shoed they had a pair.

Anonymous said...

Of course they used their real names. Did you not clue in to why these people were calling in? They wanted ATTENTION. If they were anonymous, they wouldn't get the recognition and attention they so desperately seek by calling in to radio shows every day.

Yes, you said "ball's" but that's singular, so I guess you're only half-balled.

Anonymous said...

True :

But you are Gelded I think ANONYMOUS

Show you have a pair and post your name [lol]

Anonymous said...

It has been a show from the first time and now that has always had people who disliked it or enjoyed it. That never changed. What changed now is the people who have power could no longer understand why people for the first time never stopped standing up for their rights and used this avenue to voice their concerns. People had been passive enough and know that we have no voice in news, paper, TV and still had some on the TOTT.

This was a show who could talk about other things but at the time there were great issues to be discussed. If you want to paint a pretty picture of everything is just fine and all roses; don't listen to any news or talk show. Reality now is things are worse and nothing has improved.