Sunday, August 06, 2006


hunt-arrest, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

No lawyer for the poor in new brunswick!!!! The Police Force in Fredericton and Saint John knows this so therefore the poor faces a certain stunt in jail!!!


Anonymous said...

Charles I read your letter in the Telegraph paper the other day. And why do you seem so proud that the Irvings printed your letter? It's all you ever talk about. Your always bashing the Irvings, so I can't understand you at all.
ANyway, I wrote to speak on the Atlantica issue.
You keep telling us time after time that you were a blogger there and not a protestor.
Yet I have seen you with the Atlantica T-shirt on.
If you are just a "reporter" as you claim to be, you are not supposed to support any side.
You don't see CNN reporters over in Israel with T-Shirts that read "Bush Rules" or "SAVE THE USA TROOPS" or anything like that. They are there to report the story and they do it well.
I don't get you at all.
Then again I wouldn't want you.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I made it very clear before Atlantica that I wasn't there as a protester. Go read the past blogs.

As for the t-shirt? It was given to me after I left the jail cell.

It's a comfortable t-shirt and I'll wear it!

When you're poor? Any new t-shirt will do. You got one? Send it to me and I'll wear it!!!!

Enough said!!!

Anonymous said...

There are different ways to show 'objectivity' and report the facts. Charles 'bias' is well known, he claims to support the poor. There is nothing wrong with that, the mainstream media clearly supports the owners, in fact the Irving editors even have 'we say' sections where they give the owners opinion (or the editors opinion of what they think they want to hear-if they want to keep their job)

And it isn't just the US. A canadian newspaper had a headline two days ago (even before the latest rocket killed some Israelis and after the building collapsed on over three dozen civilians and children) that "neither side shows signs of backing down". That's patent nonsense, a few rocket shot into Isreal is not a deterrent, this 'ware' is about wiping out a population pure and simple.

Perception makes the rule though, I don't see charles as being 'proud' his letters get printed, they are more incredulous considering how much Irving bashing he does. Irving is the only game in town, so clearly if somebody wants to reach a wider readership they have no choice. Charles is a blogger and of course wants more people at his blog, he might have extreme views sometimes, but he's not stupid, its not like a choice between colas where you can just ignore one of the companies if you want.

This is a defence of Charles for those readers out there who are at least looking for information, as for the first post, the last line shows just how much bias went into the post.

Anonymous said...

You will get on your knees and thank Israel someday for defeating terrorists for YOU.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

11:17 AM??? I let your comment go by....Please watch the language....My god? I can just imagine how you people would be face to face? No wonder there's a war on....

Anonymous said...


It doesn't take much to expose the hatred in some anti-Semites. 11:17 sure didn't like me pointing out to objective readers that Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East, did he, folks?

(By the way, he can claim it's BS, but look it up yourselves, folks: Israel has free, open, multi-party elections, a vigorous opposition in government, and an active free press. No other country in the region does. And the terrorist organizations Hezbollah and Hamas sure don't.)

Now that you know 11:17 is lying about that, assess the likelihood that he's telling the truth when he claims that Israel is committing genocide. In fact, it is defending against one.

Anonymous said...

Hide: Majority of the people in the world think that Israel is the terrorist and modern day Nazi. That is a more realistic evaluation.

Equipping Israel with weapons as U.S did is like putting gun in the hands of a retarded person who then shoots indiscriminately. This terrorist and retarded Sharon or Owlmet must be stopped.