I felt bad when I wrote the blog - So far so good!
A few hours later our Canadian soldiers were killed.
44 soldiers dead in that part of the world is way too many. Canada is a peace making country. We got to get out of there.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Do you miss Jacques Poitras's Blog???
I believe he should continue to blog away. What do you think???
A message from a American to Premier Shawn Graham on Auto Insurance!!!
Charles LeBlanc
Oldmaison blog
RE: A new topic, NB auto insurance costs.
I trust all is well with you since being liberated. You hit every major alternative news site in the U.S. Congratulations.
I've brought you a new topic.
As I live in Limestone, Maine, but three miles from NB, I keep hearing about how New Brunswickers are getting screwed by the auto insurance companies.
This past summer, I spent some time in Portsmouth, NH, and much to my surprise, NH does not require auto insurance to register a vehicle. This makes sense for NB.
The reason NB auto insurance rates are so expensive, aside from the political corruption and the cozying up to the insurance companies by politicians, is this: A guy with a $500 car is paying a high insurance rate to insure the $100,000 Mercedes that some jerk is driving around NB in the winter. That doesn't make any sense at all.
Get ahold of Shawn Graham via a post on your blog blasting this practice, and explaining why it is so ridiculous to REQUIRE with MANDATORY auto insurance statutes, the poor to insure the cars of the rich.
If some jerk wants to drive around NB in a new Mercedes, let him insure it!
Give Shawn Graham a challenge to fix it. New Brunswickers ARE getting screwed by the insurance companies.
Don Robertson, The American Philosopher
Oldmaison blog
RE: A new topic, NB auto insurance costs.
I trust all is well with you since being liberated. You hit every major alternative news site in the U.S. Congratulations.
I've brought you a new topic.
As I live in Limestone, Maine, but three miles from NB, I keep hearing about how New Brunswickers are getting screwed by the auto insurance companies.
This past summer, I spent some time in Portsmouth, NH, and much to my surprise, NH does not require auto insurance to register a vehicle. This makes sense for NB.
The reason NB auto insurance rates are so expensive, aside from the political corruption and the cozying up to the insurance companies by politicians, is this: A guy with a $500 car is paying a high insurance rate to insure the $100,000 Mercedes that some jerk is driving around NB in the winter. That doesn't make any sense at all.
Get ahold of Shawn Graham via a post on your blog blasting this practice, and explaining why it is so ridiculous to REQUIRE with MANDATORY auto insurance statutes, the poor to insure the cars of the rich.
If some jerk wants to drive around NB in a new Mercedes, let him insure it!
Give Shawn Graham a challenge to fix it. New Brunswickers ARE getting screwed by the insurance companies.
Don Robertson, The American Philosopher
A former anchor from ATV NEWS becomes a blogger!!
I was asked to link the guy. He's very concern of the events going in Saint John! You can check out his site by clicking below -
Dan Bussieres to Fredericton Police - I don't care what the Judge said!!! GET THAT BLOGGER!!!!
I learned more about my ban from the New Brunswick Legislature. I'll be writing more on this issue during the next few days.
This issue is going to get really dirty. I have to remain calm and set up a meeting with the Premier.
Stay tuned!!!
This issue is going to get really dirty. I have to remain calm and set up a meeting with the Premier.
Stay tuned!!!
Check out NB Free Media - WCIE
To All,
Please check out www.nbfreemedia.com
What is it? We don't know yet but with your help I am sure it will be another contribution to a Free'r media in New Brunswick and hopefully elsewhere.
Please check out www.nbfreemedia.com
What is it? We don't know yet but with your help I am sure it will be another contribution to a Free'r media in New Brunswick and hopefully elsewhere.
Donations Button Added to the Blog - Paypal - WCIE
To all who have helped Charles with the success of this blog, I want to thank you. It has become more evident to both Charles and I and the others behind the scenes that this site can make a tremendous impact not only in our tiny province but the rest of Canada and across the world. We have added a donations button on the left hand side for anyone who would like to make contributions to this site and help to develop it into whatever Charles sees fit.
Wether you agree or disagree with Charles' unique blogging 'bloggling' style the site continues to grow so we would like to step up some of the technology and add other features to the blog. We would love to hear your ideas for additional ideas for this blog.
All transactions are managed by Paypal and all personal information is kept confidential. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Many Regards,
Wether you agree or disagree with Charles' unique blogging 'bloggling' style the site continues to grow so we would like to step up some of the technology and add other features to the blog. We would love to hear your ideas for additional ideas for this blog.
All transactions are managed by Paypal and all personal information is kept confidential. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Many Regards,
Randy Mckeen from KHJ Radio speaks his mind on Charles LeBlanc!!!
Someone approached me on the streets tonight and told me about it. Check out his view by clicking below.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
This evening around 10:00pm, I went for a nice walk on a nice beautiful evening.
While walking downtown, I notice an individual taping up a poster.

Being Charles, I was curious and went on to read the newly posted bulletin.
I quickly recognized the girl under the dark hood.
It was the girl who was at Atlantica.
If it wasn’t for her? I would have missed the protesters rushing in the conference.
You can read a past blog about her by clicking below -
She’s putting posters around the City telling the public of a protest at noon on Friday at City Hall!

Well? As Atlantica? I’ll be right in the middle of the action with my camera.
Will this all deja vu again?

Will I be arrested?
Wish me Bonne Chance..
While walking downtown, I notice an individual taping up a poster.

Being Charles, I was curious and went on to read the newly posted bulletin.
I quickly recognized the girl under the dark hood.
It was the girl who was at Atlantica.
If it wasn’t for her? I would have missed the protesters rushing in the conference.
You can read a past blog about her by clicking below -
She’s putting posters around the City telling the public of a protest at noon on Friday at City Hall!

Well? As Atlantica? I’ll be right in the middle of the action with my camera.
Will this all deja vu again?

Will I be arrested?
Wish me Bonne Chance..
A few people asked me the reason I didn’t blog the Federal Liberal Leadership campaign?
I don’t wish to hurt anyone feelings but I’m finding this little show very boring.
I met Scott Brison last spring and I chatted with the guy for 15 minutes and I found the M.P. a very nice and straightforward guy but the members of the Liberal Party didn’t see it the way I looked at the whole picture.
So? I lost interest in this leadership race.
I got one word describing this race- YAWNNNNNN!!!! BOOORRRIINNGGGG!!!!!!!!!
I don’t wish to hurt anyone feelings but I’m finding this little show very boring.
I met Scott Brison last spring and I chatted with the guy for 15 minutes and I found the M.P. a very nice and straightforward guy but the members of the Liberal Party didn’t see it the way I looked at the whole picture.
So? I lost interest in this leadership race.
I got one word describing this race- YAWNNNNNN!!!! BOOORRRIINNGGGG!!!!!!!!!
Rogers 88.9fm sure is different!!!
Saint John Police Force are being blog around the world.
Can someone translate this one?
Kanadyjski sąd przyznał bloggerowi Charlsowi LeBlanc z Nowego Brunszwiku piszącemu (i fotografującemu) głównie o sprawach społecznych i chorobie ADHD uprawnienia przysługujące tradycyjnej (papierowej) prasie. Jego blog jest sponsorowany przez anonimowych darczyńców, którzy wolą pozostać incognito, ponieważ pracują w firmach należących do lokalnego biznesmena.
LeBlanc został aresztowany przez policję podczas protestu w lokalnej izbie gospodarczej, ponadto w ramach represji nielegalnie usunięto mu 200 wykonanych fotografii. Blogger odwołał się do sądu, który orzekł, iż "przedstawiciele tak zwanych mediów mainstreamowych mogli robić zdjęcia i filmować zdarzenia w tym samym miejscu bez przeszkód ze strony policji. W momencie zatrzymania przez sierżanta Parksa zbierał informacje i fotografował zdarzenia dla swojego bloga obok innych reporterów".
Jak pisze Edwin Bendyk (u którego rzecz wynalazłem) sprawa jest dla kanadyjskiego rynku prasowego niezwykle istotna, ponieważ lokalne gazety są w Kanadzie coraz bardziej zależne od biznesu. W ten sposób blog ma mieć zagwarantowaną niezależność, także od władz i policji, która będzie musiała liczyć się z obecnością bloggerów na miejscu różnych wydarzeń i służyć im ochroną jak przedstawicielom "zwykłej" prasy. (Na marginesie dodam, o czym zapomniał dziennikarz "Polityki", że sponsorowany blogger niekoniecznie musi zachować pełną niezależność - nie wiemy wszakże jakie przyjął na siebie zobowiązania).
Polskie prawo milczy na temat blogów. Jedni uważają, że oznacza to lukę w prawie (jak można nie uregulować czegoś nowego!?), inni - w tym niżej podpisany - sądzą, że nie każde nowe zjawisko wymaga nowych przepisów, zaś w przypadku wątpliwości zawsze można przez analogię zastosować
inne normy.
Kanadyjski sąd przyznał bloggerowi Charlsowi LeBlanc z Nowego Brunszwiku piszącemu (i fotografującemu) głównie o sprawach społecznych i chorobie ADHD uprawnienia przysługujące tradycyjnej (papierowej) prasie. Jego blog jest sponsorowany przez anonimowych darczyńców, którzy wolą pozostać incognito, ponieważ pracują w firmach należących do lokalnego biznesmena.
LeBlanc został aresztowany przez policję podczas protestu w lokalnej izbie gospodarczej, ponadto w ramach represji nielegalnie usunięto mu 200 wykonanych fotografii. Blogger odwołał się do sądu, który orzekł, iż "przedstawiciele tak zwanych mediów mainstreamowych mogli robić zdjęcia i filmować zdarzenia w tym samym miejscu bez przeszkód ze strony policji. W momencie zatrzymania przez sierżanta Parksa zbierał informacje i fotografował zdarzenia dla swojego bloga obok innych reporterów".
Jak pisze Edwin Bendyk (u którego rzecz wynalazłem) sprawa jest dla kanadyjskiego rynku prasowego niezwykle istotna, ponieważ lokalne gazety są w Kanadzie coraz bardziej zależne od biznesu. W ten sposób blog ma mieć zagwarantowaną niezależność, także od władz i policji, która będzie musiała liczyć się z obecnością bloggerów na miejscu różnych wydarzeń i służyć im ochroną jak przedstawicielom "zwykłej" prasy. (Na marginesie dodam, o czym zapomniał dziennikarz "Polityki", że sponsorowany blogger niekoniecznie musi zachować pełną niezależność - nie wiemy wszakże jakie przyjął na siebie zobowiązania).
Polskie prawo milczy na temat blogów. Jedni uważają, że oznacza to lukę w prawie (jak można nie uregulować czegoś nowego!?), inni - w tym niżej podpisany - sądzą, że nie każde nowe zjawisko wymaga nowych przepisów, zaś w przypadku wątpliwości zawsze można przez analogię zastosować
inne normy.
Word of the trial is spreading fast around the globe!!!
Can someone translate this for moi???
Blogger dziennikarzem
2006/11/29, Środa
Jacek Walicki podrzucił ciekawy trop: Sąd w Kanadzie uznał, że Charles LeBlanc, żyjący z zasiłku blogger piszący m.in. o ubóstwie i ADHD, jest dziennikarzem, podobnie jak pracownicy mediów instytucjonalnych. Wyrok zapadł podczas rozprawy zajmującej się sprawą aresztowania LeBlanca. Policja zatrzymała go w trakcie protestu w lokalnej izbie gospodarczej. Sąd uznał, LeBlanc zbierający materiały do swego bloga powinien być potraktowany tak jak inni dziennikarze, których policja zostawiła w spokoju. Policja ponadto bezprawnie usunęła z aparatu cyfrowego bloggera ok. 200 fotografii.
Wyrok jest bardzo istotny (przynajmniej dla Kanady), bo sankcjonuje blogi jako prasę w sytuacji, gdy prasa instytucjonalna jest coraz bardziej uzależniona od przemysłowych grup kapitałowych i traci niezależność. Blog LeBlanca jest wspierany przez anonimowych darczyńców, którzy nie chcą się ujawnić, bo są zatrudnieni w biznesach należących do rodziny Irvingów, kontrolującej także lokalną gazetę.
Blogger dziennikarzem
2006/11/29, Środa
Jacek Walicki podrzucił ciekawy trop: Sąd w Kanadzie uznał, że Charles LeBlanc, żyjący z zasiłku blogger piszący m.in. o ubóstwie i ADHD, jest dziennikarzem, podobnie jak pracownicy mediów instytucjonalnych. Wyrok zapadł podczas rozprawy zajmującej się sprawą aresztowania LeBlanca. Policja zatrzymała go w trakcie protestu w lokalnej izbie gospodarczej. Sąd uznał, LeBlanc zbierający materiały do swego bloga powinien być potraktowany tak jak inni dziennikarze, których policja zostawiła w spokoju. Policja ponadto bezprawnie usunęła z aparatu cyfrowego bloggera ok. 200 fotografii.
Wyrok jest bardzo istotny (przynajmniej dla Kanady), bo sankcjonuje blogi jako prasę w sytuacji, gdy prasa instytucjonalna jest coraz bardziej uzależniona od przemysłowych grup kapitałowych i traci niezależność. Blog LeBlanca jest wspierany przez anonimowych darczyńców, którzy nie chcą się ujawnić, bo są zatrudnieni w biznesach należących do rodziny Irvingów, kontrolującej także lokalną gazetę.
The Irvings gives their views on the protesters but the public are not allowed to fight back. I'm going to push that the Senate investigate the Irvings on this issue.
Freedom of speech must remain alive in this Province.
Hey? Maybe the New York Times will accept letters to the editor on this issue????...lol
Civility and sour grapes
As published on page A6 on November 29, 2006
With the National Energy Board's hearings now concluded, Saint John's mayor and councillors probably thought the protests over a proposed LNG pipeline were over. After all, citizens who are opposed to the pipeline have had their say as intervenors.
Sadly, it seems some protesters are not content to let the process take its course. They've been showing up at public meetings on unrelated topics, challenging local politicians who didn't endorse their point of view.
These protesters need to get real. The public political debate is over. Continuing to heckle and hustle just makes them look bitter and out of touch.
Every voter has the right to hold political representatives accountable, but once a political decision has been made, accountability is generally exercised at the voting booth. Council has already thrown its support behind the Brunswick Pipeline route through Rockwood Park; the National Energy Board has heard from the company, experts and intervenors and retired to make its decision. What do those dissatisfied by council's position hope to achieve now?
The time to persuade councillors to back a different route ended with council's last vote on the issue, just ahead of the NEB hearings. The place to question councillors about how they voted is in letters, or e-mails, or phone calls, or by personal appointment - not at public meetings on more pressing issues. The public agenda has moved on.
Town hall meetings offer the residents of particular neighbourhoods a chance to raise their concerns. Monday night's meeting at the Boys and Girls Club drew nearly 50 people and centred on what to do about prostitution, garbage collection and diverting truck traffic away from the Uptown. The LNG controversy couldn't have been on the agenda of many residents, because they didn't raise it - members of a protest group who live outside the neighbourhood did.
The more protesters continue in this fashion - heedless of the circumstances, propriety or the interests of other city residents - the more they damage their credibility.
The NEB will decide where the pipeline will go based on the evidence it has heard, and there's noting more council can do about it.
Freedom of speech must remain alive in this Province.
Hey? Maybe the New York Times will accept letters to the editor on this issue????...lol
Civility and sour grapes
As published on page A6 on November 29, 2006
With the National Energy Board's hearings now concluded, Saint John's mayor and councillors probably thought the protests over a proposed LNG pipeline were over. After all, citizens who are opposed to the pipeline have had their say as intervenors.
Sadly, it seems some protesters are not content to let the process take its course. They've been showing up at public meetings on unrelated topics, challenging local politicians who didn't endorse their point of view.
These protesters need to get real. The public political debate is over. Continuing to heckle and hustle just makes them look bitter and out of touch.
Every voter has the right to hold political representatives accountable, but once a political decision has been made, accountability is generally exercised at the voting booth. Council has already thrown its support behind the Brunswick Pipeline route through Rockwood Park; the National Energy Board has heard from the company, experts and intervenors and retired to make its decision. What do those dissatisfied by council's position hope to achieve now?
The time to persuade councillors to back a different route ended with council's last vote on the issue, just ahead of the NEB hearings. The place to question councillors about how they voted is in letters, or e-mails, or phone calls, or by personal appointment - not at public meetings on more pressing issues. The public agenda has moved on.
Town hall meetings offer the residents of particular neighbourhoods a chance to raise their concerns. Monday night's meeting at the Boys and Girls Club drew nearly 50 people and centred on what to do about prostitution, garbage collection and diverting truck traffic away from the Uptown. The LNG controversy couldn't have been on the agenda of many residents, because they didn't raise it - members of a protest group who live outside the neighbourhood did.
The more protesters continue in this fashion - heedless of the circumstances, propriety or the interests of other city residents - the more they damage their credibility.
The NEB will decide where the pipeline will go based on the evidence it has heard, and there's noting more council can do about it.
Rick Miles is the new chairman of the Liberal Party.
Liberal caucus picks chair
As published on page A9 on November 29, 2006
Fredericton-Silverwood rookie MLA Rick Miles will serve as the new chairman of the provincial Liberal caucus.
"Mr. Miles is a new MLA in the legislature, but he has worked hard and has already gained the confidence of our caucus," Premier Shawn Graham said in a statement.
Miles was the surprise of the last provincial election as he unseated former Health Minister Brad Green.
Miles will oversee all caucus meetings and their agendas.
The MLA said he wants to hold caucus meetings across the province. The next one is scheduled for Jan. 24 in Miramichi.
As published on page A9 on November 29, 2006
Fredericton-Silverwood rookie MLA Rick Miles will serve as the new chairman of the provincial Liberal caucus.
"Mr. Miles is a new MLA in the legislature, but he has worked hard and has already gained the confidence of our caucus," Premier Shawn Graham said in a statement.
Miles was the surprise of the last provincial election as he unseated former Health Minister Brad Green.
Miles will oversee all caucus meetings and their agendas.
The MLA said he wants to hold caucus meetings across the province. The next one is scheduled for Jan. 24 in Miramichi.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
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